The Plainview Water District (PWD) recently held its swearing-in ceremony in honor of Commissioner Andrew Bader’s re-election to the Board of Commissioners for another three years. Commissioner Bader, who first started serving on the Board in 2010, has been committed to serving the highest quality water possible to all of Plainview-Old Bethpage’s residents along with fellow commissioners Marc Laykind and Michael Chad.

Andrew Bader is sworn in as Plainview Water District Commissioner at the most recent District Board meeting.

“It is genuinely a privilege to receive the support of our residents who have allowed me to continue on in this position,” stated PWD Commissioner Andrew Bader. “I love our community dearly, and being active in this role continues to be an honor. My fellow commissioners and I are dedicated to tirelessly improving our community’s water system and ensuring that we meet the needs of every individual we serve.”

Throughout his time with the District, Commissioner Bader has actively promoted the broader implementation of crucial water conservation strategies to protect the community’s most valuable natural resource. Additionally, he has played a key role in leading PWD’s initiatives on emerging contaminant treatment, establishing the District as a frontrunner in these island-wide efforts.

“I am eager to see the progress the District will keep making in building essential treatment facilities, completing ongoing projects, and safeguarding the quality of our drinking water for both present and future generations,” stated Commissioner Bader. “The District has taken a very proactive approach in seeking our capital infrastructure investments, resulting in over $73 million being invested into our community’s water systems.”

In addition to his work in ensuring water in Plainview-Old Bethpage and Long Island, Commissioner Bader serves as a Vice President at Mercury Tax Service, Inc. He uses this background in order to ensure the PWD is a fiscally responsible water provider that can continue to give residents access to a quality and dependable water supply today and into the future.

Commissioner Bader has also served on several different positions within Long Island’s water industry, including holding the position of chairman of the Long Island Water Conference, president of the Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners Association and a proud member of the American Water Works Association.

If you have general inquiries about your water service, please call 516-931-6469 or send an email to Customers of the Plainview Water District are also encouraged to sign up to receive District updates by visiting and also follow the Plainview Water District on Facebook at

More than 100 Toys Collected for Children in the Community

The Plainview-Old Bethpage community once again showed its generosity by contributing to the annual toy drive at the Plainview Water District. As it has done in years past, the Plainview Water District partnered with the Toys for Tot’s Foundation, sponsored by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. The District headquarters functioned as an official drop-off site for the foundation, successfully collecting more than 100 toys.

“The Plainview Water District loves getting the opportunity to take part in this great initiative each and every year,” said PWD Commissioner Marc Laykind. “Each year, the POB residents band together to do their part and support this great event. The communities’ contributions make each holiday season that much more special for so many individuals and families.”

The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve ‘Toys for Tots’ Foundation is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide all children across the United States with happiness and joy throughout the holiday season. Through the gift of a new toy, disadvantaged children will not be overlooked during the holidays, and will know that a community of people care for them.

“The District is dedicated to assisting the community in any way it can whether its providing high-quality water or participating in events like these to put a smile on someone’s face,” said PWD Commissioner Bader. “We are proud to lead these initiatives and take part in community events like these. Thank you to the entire Plainview-Old Bethpage community for your support each time.”

Since the District started this partnership several years ago, hundreds of toys have been donated from the community to support this cause. The Plainview Water District thanks the Plainview-Old Bethpage community for their generosity and continued support.

“We often underestimate and forget how much we take for granted each holiday season,” said PWD Commissioner Michael Chad. “Whether it’s the water in our taps, food on the table, or gifts our loved ones received–it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and forget how there are individuals within our own community who do not have the same as us. We hope by taking part in this effort that we can make at least one person in our community’s holiday all the more magical.”

For additional information about the Plainview Water District, please call (516) 931-6469 or visit the Plainview Water District website at Residents can also sign up to receive information by submitting their email address through the District’s homepage or following them on Facebook in order to stay up-to-date with District activities and initiatives.

(L-R) Plainview Water District Commissioner Andrew Bader, Plainview Water District Commissioner Marc Laykind and Plainview Water District Commissioner Michael Chad with the Toy for Tots Donations.