District Once Again Provides Community with Convenient, Drive-Thru Opportunity to Safely Dispose Unwanted Medications

The Plainview Water District (PWD) is hosting its sixth annual Pharmaceutical Take Back Day on Saturday, October 28 between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm at 10 Manetto Hill Road. Residents are encouraged to stop by the District Headquarters to safely and properly dispose of any unwanted or expired medications. As a part of the PWD’s Preserve Plainview initiative, this annual drive-thru event ensures the proper disposal of pharmaceuticals and prevents them from making their way into the aquifer which is our community’s sole-source of drinking water.

“The Plainview Water District highly encourages the Plainview-Old Bethpage community to join us in participating in this year’s Pharmaceutical Take Back Day event—to dispose of their expired or unused medications in a safe and convenient way,” said PWD Chairman Marc Laykind. “We have a collective duty as a community to make all efforts possible to protect our shared environment and drinking water. This event is a quick and easy act that has a significant and long-lasting impact on our environment and sustainability. Year after year, POB residents continue to impress us with their active involvement in this event and we are looking forward to making this year’s the most successful one yet.” 

Normally, if someone flushes medications down the toilet or throws them in the garbage, there is a likelihood that the medications’ contents will ultimately make their way into the community water ways and water supply. If there is an elevated presence of toxins from pharmaceuticals in the groundwater, the District will have no choice but to invest in expensive treatment systems to remove any contaminants before they reach customers’ homes.

“Taking part in Pharmaceutical Take Back Day is an opportunity to responsibly dispose of any unused medications, while playing an active role in safeguarding our community and environment,” said PWD Commissioner Andrew Bader. “Each of us, as members of the POB community, have a responsibility to do all that we can to protect our environment from any potentially harmful substances and reducing our environmental impact. We hope to be joined by many residents who are looking to take action and aid in protecting current and future generations of our community.” 

This year, Pharmaceutical Take Back Day, which is held in partnership with the Nassau County Police Department, will take place on October 28th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. All residents with unused or expired medications are encouraged to drop them off at the District’s headquarters—10 Manetto Hill Road—and may do so anonymously without having to leave their vehicles.  

“The District has continued to host this significantly effective event for the past six years, largely in part of the outpouring support and participation from the Plainview-Old Bethpage community,” said PWD Commissioner Michael Chad. “I am extremely excited to be a part of this year’s Pharmaceutical Take Back Day and to see the POB community’s support first-hand. By participating, residents are directly making a positive impact on public health and caring for our shared environment.”

For additional information about the Plainview Water District’s Pharmaceutical Take Back Day or other District initiatives, please call (516) 931-6469 or visit the Plainview Water District website at www.plainviewwater.org. Residents can also sign up to receive information by submitting their email address through the District’s homepage or following them on Facebook in order to stay up-to-date with District activities and initiatives.